- Based on the nonlinear Schr?dinger coupling equation,the impact of input power of soliton in the Photonic crystal fibers on the pulse evolution is studied by numerical simulation. 基于耦合非线性薛定谔方程,通过数值模拟,研究了光子晶体光纤中孤子脉冲的输入功率对脉冲传输的影响。
- Based on the theory concerning the nonlinear acoustic resistance of an orifice presented by Zhao Song-ling et al. 本文基于赵松龄等发展的小孔非线性声阻理论,导得对于驻波管中垂直入射以及行波管中旁支入射二种情况下的穿孔声学结构的非线性声阻率比表示式。
- A new method digital image scrambling based on the nonlinear mapping characteristics of neural networks is proposed. 基于神经网络的非线性映射特性,提出了一种数字图像置乱的新方法。
- Based on the Kuhn Tucker condition the Newton Raphson iteration method was used to solve the nonlinear optimization. 为了有效地进行非线性过程优化分析 ,从优化问题的 Kuhn- Tucker条件出发 ,采用 Newton- Raphson迭代方法建立了非线性优化问题的求解方案。
- Based on the inverse system method for multivariable nonlinear control, the nonlinear controllers of VSC-HVDC system were designed. 采用多变量非线性控制的逆系统方法,设计VSC-HVDC系统的非线性控制器。
- It was analyzed the nonlinear cause of the catalytic sensor, and put forward the emendation scheme based on the fast table lookup scheme. 摘要分析了甲烷传感器(载体催化元件)使用过程中产生非线性的原因,并提出了快速查表法的校正方案;
- The methodology of the nonlinear iteration nodal method is based on the nodal expansion method (NEM) and nonlinear iteration strategy. 它是以节块展开法(NEM)和非线性迭代策略为基础发展起来的先进节块方法。
- The nonlinear change characteristics of dampers dependently from particle parameters were analyzed based on the cantilever beam with filling particles. 摘要以填充颗粒的悬臂梁为研究对象,研究了结构阻尼随颗粒各参数呈非线性变化的特性;
- Based on the nonlinear output curve of solar battery panel, it can work at the maximum power point by MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm. 针对太阳能电池的非线性输出特性,采取最大功率跟踪算法使得光伏组件动态的工作在其输出特性曲线上的最大功率点附近,可以有效的提高光伏组件的发电量。
- The nonlinear inversion equation based on the extended Born approximation was derived, the two-step inverse method for reconstructing the conductivity profile was presented. 基于扩展玻恩近似和电场积分方程,建立起非线性反演方程,然后应用两步线性反演方法进行迭代反演。
- Based on the character of the Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beam's transmission in free space, the paper analyzed the intensity after the GSM beam through the nonlinear medium. 摘要根据高斯-谢尔模型光束在自由空间中传输的特性,研究它在穿过非线性介质后的衍射光强。
- The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
- A robust-optimal controller design method is proposed based on T-S fuzzy model to deal with the nonlinear and uncertainty problems on the flight simulation turntable system. 针对飞行器仿真转台系统的非线性以及不确定性问题,提出了基于T-S模糊模型的鲁棒最优控制器设计方法。
- Hydrometers is based on the Archimedes Law. 摘要浮计的原理是以阿基米德定律为根据的。
- Based on the results of a stability analysisof the linearized m odel, the nonlinear time-varying dynamical system is proved to be asymptoticall y stable around itsequilibrium. 通过对线性化系统进行闭环稳定性分析,最终证明了该非线性时变动态系统的稳定性。
- Most back-calculation theories are based on the linear elastic layer system and quietude analysis method, which neglected the nonlinear peculiarity of the pavement material. 现有的反算理论大多建立在弹性层状体系和拟静力分析方法的基础之上,忽略了路面材料应力应变非线性特性。
- The rout track what network a request have come from and apply differ rules based on the source network. 路由器跟踪一个请求来自何种网络并应用基于源网络的不同规则。
- The GPC structure scheme based on ANN for the nonlinear system is designed.And the control principle and control algorithm are studied, based on the high nonlinear mapping of ANN. 基于ANN高度非线性映射等特性,运用数字仿真方法,对所设计的控制结构方案进行仿真研究。
- The control law is based on the nonlinear dynamic inversion, and the neural network is used to cancel the inversion error induced by aircraft actuator Failures. 本文以非线性动态逆方法为基本控制律,通过设计的自适应神经网络,实时补偿因操纵面故障而引起的逆误差。
- Go to apiary. Make a smoker based on the bee book. 去蜂房,制作烟薰。